Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obama’s Big, Fat Fib about Romney’s Auto Bankruptcy

Here comes the GOP primary, Michigan edition. And with it, media misinformation.

Exhibit A is the fiction that Mitt Romney “was willing to let (the American auto industry) just die” as President Obama repeatedly puts it in speeches — uncorrected by his MSM allies. Michigan is crucial to Obama’s fall reelection and Romney is a formidable obstacle. Solidifying a narrative that the GOP challenger is anti-autos is crucial, not just to mobilizing blue-collar voters but also swing, white collar voters whose jobs were saved by government intervention.

“Just like Mitt Romney, who wanted Detroit to go bankrupt, Newt Gingrich opposed the rescue loan that saved the U.S. auto industry and 1.4 million American jobs,” Obama spokesman Clark Pettig told the Detroit News this weekend.

Huh? Both Romney and Obama advocated bankruptcy for GM and Chrysler.

Read the rest of the article at National Review

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