Sunday, July 22, 2012

Exactly How Embarrassing is Bankruptcy?

You are an adult. You are approaching your bankruptcy as an adult – making the hard decisions and living with the consequences. But you can admit it. Despite your ability to try and remove the emotion from this decision to file bankruptcy, there is a big worry in the back of your mind that the entire world is going to know you filed for bankruptcy. And if everyone knew, that would be really embarrassing. Many believe that once you file bankruptcy that your name will be in the paper or that there will be some website of shame where you name will appear. But the reality is, unless you are Warren Sapp, Toni Braxton, or some other famous person filing for bankruptcy, the only people who will really know is whoever you decide to tell.

Read the rest of the article at JD Supra

1 comment:

  1. Filing bankruptcy is not a bad thing, people should consider it over using all the savings to pay the debts. In many such cases the debt just sheds down a bit and never clears. So its better to file bankruptcy rather than waiting to get sued.
    bankruptcy attorney in phoenix
